Waton: I think you are wrong here. The great pale civilization was developed without the contribution of greedy expansionism.
Huh? What history class have you been taking? The Greeks and Roman's were making great strides in philosophy, art, engineering, and many other aspects we recognize today, while also greedily expanding their control by battling with other civilizations in order to expand their empire, i.e. taking things that didn't belong to them. Were they not acquiring these other territories through violence? Or were they just happily given all the land?
By your own admission, they had slaves. Is any form of slavery acceptable? Are they somehow excused from their practice of slavery because, in their veiw "the slaves were better off"? Sounds like an excuse I've heard a few times regarding another civilization that enslaved people. While there were times of peace, prosperity, and advancement in culture, they were afforded this by their military might and the progressive expansion of their empire. Also, wasn't Rome an empire that fed Christian's to lions and fought gladiators to the death, all for entertainment? Very advanced of them...
So, no, I was correct in my previous statement.
I was simply pointing out that no civilization has impunity when it comes to hurting others. At least while creating their empire. It's just one group came out the victor, and to the victor go the spoils. Spoils which include recording their history, the way they see fit.